What is /PSIA/index?

Created 16th August 2023
Updated 17th August 2023

PSIA is short for Physical Security Interoperability Alliance, which is an organization for standardizing plug-and-play interoperability across IP-enabled systems.

The URI, "/PSIA/index" may specifically refer to Arecont Vision family of CCTV and camera systems that feature a built in webserver that runs with PSIA functionality. That's not to say there aren't other network-enabled devices that make use of PSIA specifications.

When a bot is searching for "/PSIA/index", it's likely trying to find broadcast camera systems, and other network enabled systems, which haven't been locked down.


  1. Arecont Vision. (2017). Arecont Vision API and Camera Web Page Manual. [Online]. Available at: https://sales.arecontvision.com/marketing/contents/Arecont%20Vision%20API%20and%20Camera%20Web%20Page%20Manual_2017-06-30_1.pdf (Accessed: August 15, 2023).
  2. Physical Security Interoperability Alliance. (n.d.). In Wikipedia. Retrieved August 15, 2023, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physical_Security_Interoperability_Alliance

Other known request paths

  1. /PSIA/index